Environmental information
- CH Topics and keywords - Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
- DE German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
- BE Best environmental directories
- CH Online Catalogue of Environmental Data Sources (ENVIROCAT/BAFU)
- CH The geoportal of the Swiss Confederation
- USA envirofacts
- CH Web Flora, WSL
- USA Toxnet USA
- ORG information-network Safer World
- DE Environmental Information Germany
- CH State Laboratory of the Canton Basel-City
- CH Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
- CH Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
- CH Swiss Federal Office for Energy (SFOE)
- CH Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
- CH Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
- CH Swiss Federal Statistical Office
- CH Federal Office of Transport FOT
- CH Aquatic research institute EAWAG
- DE Federal Ministry for the Environnement, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
- DE German Advisory Council on the Environment
- DE Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health
- EU European Environment Agency
- EU Gateway to the European Union
- ORG Global environment facility (UNDP)
- ORG Commission for Environmental Cooperation
- ORG Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)
- ORG Basel Convention
- United Nations Environment Programme
- ORG world environment center
- ORG Club of Rome
Environmental law
Trade Associations
Waste and its prevention
Pollutants / Toxins
Environmental pollutants
Hazardous Waste
Sustainable development / local agenda 21
Environnement and Health
Environmental tips
- Swiss Federal Office for Ernergy (SFOE)
- CH Swiss Bicycle Advocacy Association (Pro Velo)
- CH Waste statistics (FOEN)
Social responsibility
Water / Waste Water
- DE German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA/ATW)
- ORG EcoWaters Projects
- DE German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
- ORG Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes)
- ORG Global Water Partnership
- CH International Ecological Engineering Society
- ORG International Water Association IWA
- NL International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC)
- ORG IWA Specialist Group "Ecological Sanitation"
- ORG UNESCO - Water
- CH Swiss Water Association (VSA)
- ORG Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
- ORG Water Links International (UNESCO)
- ORG Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
- ORG World Water Council
Facility and lifecycle management
Schwarzwaldallee 215,
4058 Basel
+41 61 683 31 25